You can listen to the words and phrases being spoken by native Cantonese speakers, along with the Cantonese and phonetic spellings of the words. Simply Learn is a phrasebook in app form, giving you all the benefits that come with that. This one is actually a part of the same family as Ling. While these mobile apps do share a common goal of making language learning fun and accessible, what sets Ling apart is the focus on practical vocabulary, sentences, and phrases that you will use in everyday speech. For an introvert like me, it helps to build up my courage to eventually feel confident enough to use it when out and about. Then there is the chatbot feature that simulates conversations and makes for great practicing your Cantonese language skills. You can see yourself progress as you make your way through the different topics and tests that come along with it. Through the gamification of learning, it also makes the whole process much more engaging. Ling uses native Cantonese speakers to help you learn the language, just like it will sound in the country. There is one very obvious recommendation that can be made here, and that is the Ling Cantonese app. What Are The Alternatives To Rosetta Stone? Ling Thankfully, we have put together a couple of alternatives to Cantonese on Rosetta Stone. So perhaps Rosetta Stone has acknowledged this and, to avoid confusion amongst potential learners of Chinese, decided to stick with just Mandarin. Often, we only hear about the ‘Chinese language’ as if it was one single language. Of course, it doesn't help if there is no Cantonese on Rosetta Stone or some other prominent language learning software. For example, I didn’t learn of its existence until I was well into my teenage years. You do have to wonder how well known the Cantonese language is known outside of language learning and linguistic circles. This is a shame as it overlooks the millions of Cantonese speakers in Hong Kong, Macau, UK, and the mainland. In fact, you will see on the Rosetta Stone website that they briefly mention the Cantonese language, but only to say that Mandarin has more speakers. It does seem to be a case of the larger of the two languages getting all the attention. It should go without saying, but Cantonese requires its very own program. While Cantonese does use the same script as Mandarin Chinese when written, it is a completely different story when it comes to speaking (and culture too). So, why would Rosetta Stone not offer Cantonese lessons? It Is Being Overshadowed By Mandarin Chinese There are also communities (like that of China Town in London) where Cantonese is the language most widely used. You can add a few million more when considering second language speakers too. It is not a small language by any means - there are around75 million speakers worldwide - and that is only including first language speakers. Why Is There No Rosetta Stone Cantonese Course? Let’s explore this issue and some alternatives. As much of a shame as it is, perhaps it makes for a great opportunity to find a new alternative for language learning lessons. Unfortunately, there is no Cantonese Rosetta Stone program available. So, how can one learn Cantonese? Well, there is definitely one way not to learn - with Rosetta Stone. However, anyone visiting Hong Kong or the Guangdong region would benefit greatly from learning Cantonese instead. Cantonese is often overlooked due to the significantly more widespread use of Mandarin.